Ganar tiempo para centrarse en el negocio

Amanda ha sido agente inmobiliaria durante 5 años. Decidió hacer oficial su negocio y lanzó una LLC. Descubra cómo Roll by ADP la ha ayudado a recuperar más tiempo en su día a día.

Agente inmobiliario entregando las llaves de una casa a su cliente.
Autor Por Equipo editorial de Roll el February 03, 2023
Tiempo de lectura Lectura: 2 min.

Doing payroll on my own took weeks

When I first formed my LLC, I tried to do payroll on my own, but it was very difficult. Making sure that I'm taking out Social Security and Medicaid and all that stuff - it was just too many steps. I was literally going to each individual website and calculating everything I needed to do to make sure that I paid everything correctly. The whole process was taking me weeks at a time.I knew I needed help, so I tried using Gusto. When I started the process, it was asking me all these questions about employees I don't have, and I was like, this isn't working for me. Then I was talking to somebody at ADP, and when I told him I didn't have any employees, he told me about Roll, this app that lets me do payroll through my phone. I downloaded the app, and it's like talking to somebody through a chat line. It says things like, "Are you ready for the next step? No? Okay, let's save and continue for later." That's what I really enjoy about it. It asks me questions as opposed to making me guess: "I don't know - am I this type of person or not? Do I fit these criteria or not?" It just asks me yes or no questions, and then gives me whatever information I need next. The setup was much easier than I expected.

What I’m working for

I am working for my family and to be able to provide them the kind of lifestyle that I would like them to have.

Roll lets me prioritize my business again 

Now payroll takes me like, two minutes. It's so easy that I don't have to think about it. And Roll even sends reminders when it's time to do things, like, "Hey, you've got a week to start this process." If I can't do it then, I can just save it and get to it later. With Roll, I can once again prioritize making money instead of wasting my time figuring out payroll. It's basically giving me my time back. And if I do have any issues, ADP is on top of it and gets back to me right away. They're great at communicating. I would tell anyone with a business like mine to use Roll. It's so easy, it's a no-brainer.

Nómina • Conceptos básicos de negocios • Pequeñas empresas • Nómina de pequeñas empresas
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